Call me Naftali.
The Torah world does many things extraordinarily well. But no community is perfect and, as years pass and a population grows, you can expect to see some signs of age: imitation replaces creativity and securing social status overshadows idealism.
If things are left to slide for long enough daily life can begin to show traces of corruption and immorality.
I believe that someone sufficiently committed to living a Torah life can make a positive difference - if not on the whole world, at least on himself and his family. But it’ll require smart, responsible, and independent choices.
To help, I’ve put together some observations about personal and moral maturity: why they’re critically important and how they can be nurtured. You might find some of what you read in these chapters upsetting. You might even feel I’m wrong. No problem, feel free to share your thoughts in an email.
Who am I? I don’t think that’s important. The message is what counts, not the messenger. For now, I’ll admit I spent many years teaching Torah. That’ll have to do.
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